Sex Doll Guides

What are the countries that ban or allow sex dolls?


Not all countries in the world allow sex dolls. Some ban them, others do not; find out which ones and why.


The legality and acceptance of sex dolls vary significantly around the world, reflecting diverse cultural norms, legal frameworks, and ethical considerations. While some countries view sex dolls as legitimate objects of sexual expression or companionship, others have imposed strict bans due to moral, religious, or social concerns.


Countries That Allow Sex Dolls

United States

In the United States, the sale and ownership of sex dolls are generally legal. However, there are restrictions on the importation and sale of dolls that resemble children, with several states enacting specific bans to address this issue.


Japan is known for its tolerant stance towards sex dolls, often seen as part of the country’s broader acceptance of adult entertainment. The country hosts several manufacturers. However, public discourse around dolls resembling minors has sparked debate, leading to calls for regulation.

European Union

Most EU countries permit the sale and ownership of sex dolls, but the situation is complex. For example, the UK has specific laws against importing dolls that resemble children. Across the EU, there’s a push towards stricter regulations to prevent the sale of such dolls.


Australia allows sex dolls, but customs regulations are strict regarding dolls that appear underage. Australian law enforces the prohibition of importation of such items, aligning with its child protection laws.

Countries with Restrictions


Canada permits adult sex dolls but has strict customs regulations against importing dolls that look like minors, reflecting its strong stance on child protection. They ban all sex dolls under 140cm (4ft5in). This is why you will not see dolls of this size in our website.

South Korea

South Korea allows sex dolls but has faced public backlash and legal challenges regarding their use and sale, leading to a somewhat ambiguous legal situation.

Countries That Ban Sex Dolls


India has a strict ban on sex toys, including sex dolls, reflecting the country’s conservative stance on sexual expression outside traditional marriage..

Saudi Arabia

Similarly, Saudi Arabia bans sex dolls, aligning with its strict interpretation of Islamic law, which forbids any form of sexual expression outside of marriage.

Generally, all Muslim countries prohibit the importation of sex dolls and sex toys. Many countries of the Catholic faith, such as the Philippines, also prohibit them.

Reasons for Bans and Restrictions

The primary reasons for banning or restricting sex dolls revolve around moral and ethical considerations. Concerns about the objectification of women, potential to normalize or encourage harmful sexual behaviors, and particularly the representation of minors are at the forefront of these regulations. Countries with strong religious or conservative backgrounds tend to have stricter rules due to the belief that sex dolls conflict with societal values or religious teachings.

In contrast, the allowances and restrictions in more liberal countries usually center on preventing the exploitation or representation of minors. These nations balance individual freedoms with the need to protect vulnerable populations, leading to nuanced legal frameworks.


The global landscape regarding the legality of sex dolls is diverse and complex, reflecting a wide array of cultural, legal, and ethical considerations. While some countries embrace these objects under the banner of personal freedom and sexual expression, others impose bans and restrictions to align with societal values and protect minors. The ongoing debate over sex dolls highlights broader discussions about sexuality, morality, and the role of regulation in private life. As technology advances and societal attitudes evolve, the legal stance on sex dolls may continue to change, further complicating this global issue.